Financial Health Check This questionnaire allows you to provide information for us to assess your financial health and potential risks. Step 1 of 7 14% Client Name First Last Partner Name First Last Preferred Contact Number*Preferred Email Address Address Street Address Address Line 2 City State Postcode Areas of adviceThe financial health check will cover the following areas. While we recommend completing all questions, you may untick any of the following or skip questions which don't apply to you. Retirement savings & superannuation Personal protection & insurance cover Mortgages & investment loans Estate planning Personal investments 1. Are you saving effectively for your retirement?a) Are you confident you are contributing to the right superannuation fund and are invested in the right investment option? Yes No Unsure b) Are you contributing extra to super?b) Are you contributing extra to super? Yes No c) Do you have a SMSF?c) Do you have a SMSF? Yes No Do you think your SMSF is really working for you?Do you think your SMSF is really working for you? Yes No d) Do you think you're on track to have enough for retirement?d) Do you think you're on track to have enough for retirement? Yes No Unsure e) Would you like your retirement savings strategy and your super / pension investments reviewed?e) Would you like your retirement savings strategy and your super / pension investments reviewed? Yes No 2. Do you have any of the following insurance covers in place?a) Client (list amount)Life Cover (client)TPD Cover (client)Trauma Cover (client) Do you have income protection?Do you have income protection? Yes No Unsure How much per month are you insured for?How much per month are you insured for?What is the waiting period for your income protection?What is the waiting period for your income protection?14 days30 days90 days1 year2 yearsUnknownIf you claim, how long is the maximum period of time you will be paid for (benefit period)?If you claim, how long is the maximum period of time you will be paid for (benefit period)?1 year2 years5 years6 yearsTo Age 65To Age 70Unsureb) Partner (list amounts)b) Partner (list amounts)Life Cover (partner)TPD Cover (partner)Trauma Cover (partner) Do you have income protection?Do you have income protection? Yes No Unsure How much per month are you insured for?How much per month are you insured for?What is the waiting period for your income protection?What is the waiting period for your income protection?14 days30 days90 days1 year2 yearsUnknownIf you claim, how long is the maximum period of time you will be paid for (benefit period)?If you claim, how long is the maximum period of time you will be paid for (benefit period)?1 year2 years5 years6 yearsTo Age 65To Age 70Unsure 3. Mortgage & loansa) Do you have a home mortgage and/or investment property loan? Mortgage Investment property loan What is your home worth?What is your home worth?What is your approximate current mortgage balance?What is your approximate current mortgage balance?What is the total value of your investment properties?What is the total value of your investment properties?What is the approximate balance of your investment loan/s?What is the approximate balance of your investment loan/s?b) Do you wish to consider options such as a refinance or further borrowing?b) Do you wish to consider options such as a refinance or further borrowing? Yes - Refinance Yes - Further borrowing No c) Are you paying too much in fees and charges?c) Are you paying too much in fees and charges? Yes No Unsure d) Are you satisfied with current lender?d) Are you satisfied with current lender? Yes No Unsure 4. Do you want to provide for your children or leave an inheritance?a) Do you have a current Will? Yes No b) Does your Will provide for the care of your children or the distribution of your financial assets to them?b) Does your Will provide for the care of your children or the distribution of your financial assets to them? Yes No c) Are you satisfied that the nominated beneficiaries in your Will/s, super accounts and life insurance policies will receive their inheritance in a tax effective way?c) Are you satisfied that the nominated beneficiaries in your Will/s, super accounts and life insurance policies will receive their inheritance in a tax effective way? Yes No d) Have you appointed anyone as your Enduring Power of Attorney and/or Medical Power of Attorney?d) Have you appointed anyone as your Enduring Power of Attorney and/or Medical Power of Attorney? Yes No 5. Do you have an appropriate investment strategy and are your investments performing well?a) Do you have shares or managed funds? Yes No b) Are you regularly tracking their performance and suitability?b) Are you regularly tracking their performance and suitability? Yes No c) When was the last time these were reviewed on your behalfc) When was the last time these were reviewed on your behalf DD dash MM dash YYYY CommentsPlease feel free to add in any comments about this questionnaire or about things which you may wish to discuss with us.Please check the box below should you wish to be added to our mailing list to receive regular industry updates and information.Please check the box below should you wish to be added to our mailing list to receive regular industry updates and information. Yes, please add me to your mailing list Δ